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Introduction to Power BI-Complete Beginners Guide

  • 17 Steps


Welcome to the world of business intelligence and visualizations with Power BI! This course is designed to take you from beginner to proficient in the basics of Power BI. You will get an overview of Power BI and how it compares to Excel, learn how to connect to data, run basic data transformations to clean messy data using Power Query, understand the concepts of data modeling, and get introduced to DAX. By the end, you'll be able to create and publish your own reports! This course serves as a comprehensive introduction to Power BI, a powerful data visualization and business intelligence tool from Microsoft. As most people in the data world are familiar with Excel, we will use Excel as our baseline for analysis. The course will start with an overview of Power BI and how it compares to Excel and other spreadsheet based analytics tools. Then, we will dive into Power Query and understand how to connect to Excel files, clean data, and perform basic transformations. You will learn how to create a date table using M-code and understand data modeling concepts. Finally, we will delve into DAX, create measure tables, learn how to visualize data in reports, and publish your work. By the End of This Course You Will: Understand the fundamentals of Power BI. Be able to connect to Excel files and clean data using Power Query. How to create a custom date table. Understand the basics of data modeling. Get introduced to DAX and measures.

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